Numerous studies show that autonomy is the number one predictor of happiness and satisfaction in life and in work. To be autonomous is to gain more control over your circumstances, your decisions and your time. There are a number of ways to gain autonomy in our careers, and it doesn't require making the leap to entrepreneurship.
How to Sell Legal Services Without Selling
We all have a "circle of competence"—a body of skills and knowledge that gives us an edge. And we can expand the circle over time, slowly and incrementally. If we try to do too much, too fast, we spread ourselves thin and our effectiveness diminishes. So the question is: What’s the best way to spend your limited resources of time and attention?
LinkedIn: Where Thought Leaders Go to Learn and Collaborate
Playing the Long and Short Content Game
The content you create and publish has a half-life, too. And it seems as though that half-life gets shorter and shorter with each passing day. We keep increasing the pace at which we consume—or ignore—content, to the point nowadays that your content’s half-life can be fleeting. So is it worth the time we put into perfecting this polished content? No. And Yes.
Focus on a Marketing Activity You Enjoy and You’ll Be a More Effective Marketer
When lawyers get urgent requests from clients, they move mountains. But here’s the problem: If you’re spending all your time on your client’s priorities, you’ll never address your own. To generate clients, you have to be visible. You can’t sit back and wait for business to come in. But you don’t have to market yourself in ways that stress you out and make the already difficult job of being a lawyer even harder.
Want Engagement on LinkedIn? Bring the Wine
What type of content can I create and share that will generate the most engagement? This is a natural question, and I’ve asked it of myself many times. But it’s not the only question. Or, put another way, there’s more than one way to get engagement on LinkedIn...and perhaps a better way is giving engagement on LinkedIn.
Instead of Coming Up with the Perfect Plan, Just Start Taking Action
I spent years as a practicing lawyer knowing, at least in the back of my mind, what I should be doing but putting it off until next year. And it was always more of the same—until I finally got my act together. It didn't happen overnight, but it never would have happened if I hadn't started taking consistent action.
How (Not) to Use LinkedIn as a Business Development Platform
Three Practical Marketing and Biz Dev Tips You Can Immediately Put into Practice
An Introvert's Guide to Better Business Development in the Modern Era
A combination of current events, long-developing trends, and a move towards modernization has ushered in a new environment of business development that favors those who are considered introverts. From furthering education to adapting your skillset, Tom Nixon presents a roadmap of success for both introverts and extroverts to follow in order to help grow your practice.