Become an OutLaw Writer

Want to learn what it takes to build a successful career writing for clients? Need a blueprint for marketing your writing services? Struggling with the mental hurdles that stop many lawyers from leaving the practice of law? Jay Harrington shares the lessons he learned while running a successful writing business over the last decade.

From personal branding to pricing, and marketing to mindset, Jay shows you how to get your writing business off the ground so you can gain the freedom and flexibility that comes with being your own boss.


Purchase The OutLaw Writer on Amazon—print and Kindle versions are available.



Join The OutLaw Writer Academy

You love to write. You’ve had enough of the grind. You’re ready for something new. The only problem is, you don’t know where to start.

If you’re interested in becoming a well-paid freelance writer, or at least open to the possibility, you’ve come to the right place. You don’t need a degree or certification. You have all the skills and experience you need. You’re an effective communicator, you just need some training—and a community of like-minded people—to get started.

Learn everything you need to know about starting and growing a freelance writing business as a member of the The OutLaw Writer Academy. Our next Academy will kick off in August. By adding your email below, you’ll get notified when registration opens. In the interim, Jay Harrington will be providing helpful and informative content that you can use to plan and grow your freelance writing business.


Receive our free Freelance Writing tip sheet and be the first to know when our Next academy launches 

Playbook for Getting Your First Writing Clients

A Guide for Aspiring Freelance Writers